We'll highlight the gun control executive orders President Biden pitched in a White House speech today... along with legislation he wants Congress to pass...and ask our listeners what they think.
A quick look at the Florida House and Florida Senate today...and how they differ. Also, a comparison with NY...which has about the same population....but a budget more than twice as large as ours. That's life in the land of the big government liberals!
DeSantis is suing the CDC and the Biden administration, demanding they allow the cruise industry to get back in business immediately. Among my questions...is it time ..or too soon? Would you get on a cruise ship now...or not? An interesting angle....the cruise companies want vaccine passports, which DeSantis has banned in Florida. How's that going to get resolved? Does the confined space on cruise ships justify vaccine passports?
(PF) Fun segment! We'll look at a new study that finds music is more addictive than fast food alcohol and money, whether we agree...what music we're hooked on....and how it makes us feel. Finally...an addiction that's GOOD for us!
#GaetzGate update: Looks like Joel Greenberg will be offered a plea deal. We'll hear from Greenberg's lawyer and discuss whether Greenberg's he's singing to the feds about Gaetz. Also, the new anti-DeSantis group "Ron Be Gone" is out with a new video tying DeSantis to Gaetz. We'll play some sound.