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As bank failure jitters continue through the financial world, we'll have the very latest developments for you, including President Biden's plan to keep bank customers from losing their money, and his tough talk directed toward the failed banks and those who either worked for them, or invested in them.
At 8:12 we'll be joined by Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Erin Real with her insights into where things stand in the aftermath of a couple of big bank failures, and what likely lies ahead for all of us.
We'll delve into our 2024 Presidential File and catch up with former President Trump campaigning in the early caucus state of Iowa. I'll have highlights for you of Trump's Monday night speech in Davenport, Iowa and whatever he may say about Governor Ron DeSantis, who figures to be Trump's toughest rival for the Republican presidential nomination.
Also in our 2024 Presidential File, I'll update President Biden's continuing move from the political left toward the center, as evidenced by his approval Monday of a massive oil drilling project, sure to enrage the anti-fossil fuel, "go green" Democrats!
For what may be the first time in thrill ride history, a perfectly good, perfectly safe and very popular ride is being taken down! I'm referring to the "Free Fall" ride at Orlando's ICON Park. Last March, 6 foot 5 inch, 340 pound teenager Tyre Sampson fell out of the "Free Fall" ride, not because it was inherently unsafe or malfunctioned, but because someone operating the ride had adjusted the seat restraints so Sampson could fit on the ride. It was a terrible tragedy, but I still don't understand why the ride so many safely enjoyed should be taken down. We'll talk about that, and I'll give you the latest on new thrill ride safety measures being considered during the ongoing session of the Florida Legislature.
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill has an advance look at the new inflation numbers due out Tuesday, and will discuss the possibility of further interest rate hikes to combat inflation that's been running rampant since Biden became President and began spending trillions of dollars we don't have!
We'll welcome Newsradio WFLA White House Correspondent Jon Decker who's keeping track of Trump's campaign swing through the early caucus state of Iowa, and the comings and goings of other 2024 presidential hopefuls spending time in Iowa.
Olsen on Law with Alan and Attorney Tom Olsen-today's topic: If you don't have a will when you die, where does your money the state of Florida?