

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Biografía completa


A Few of Bud's NOT-SO-Favorites

Republicans in the Florida Legislature are going after school districts like Orange County which defied state orders against mask mandates. We'll talk about the plan to hit some highly paid school system employees in the wallet, taking away some of their salary and giving the money to other school districts which complied with the state's ban on mask mandates. 


Today I watched another outrageous courtroom rant by convicted murderer Markeith Loyd. Does it tick you off that the judge and everyone else in the Orange County courtroom lets this cold-blooded killer get away with this behavior time and time again! It begs the question: why is this tolerated in court, when it  wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else? Maybe someone on our Good Morning Orlando team, or someone in the "smartest audience in talk radio" can give me an answer, because I have been unable to come up with one that makes any sense to me whatsoever!




Spotify, the audio streaming service, podcast superstar Joe Rogan, the N-word, and cancel culture. On that list you'll find a combination of people and things I either don't like or don't care about. That said, they all come together in a story that's making a lot of news of late, so we're going to spend some time talking about it. Here are some links to help you get up to speed, if you're not already:



 Newsradio WFLA national correspondent Rory O'Neill's been keeping a close eye on Russia, Ukraine and the Biden White House, and he'll join us with the latest on this growing international crisis.


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