Photo: iStockphoto
All too often, the main focus of a trip is the destination, but what about the journey?
While taking a plane to get where you need to go can be timely and convenient, nothing beats the unexpected beauty you encounter during a road trip.
Just as your perspective shifts and it becomes less about getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible, and more about the magic you experience along the way, the simple trip you planned suddenly becomes an adventure.
Sleeping on a flight as you barrel through endless clouds surrounded by strangers, turns into a front row seat at the most stunning show nature has to offer, all from the comfort of your own vehicle.
Look over there! A crystal clear body of water lined with small cabins surrounded by lush trees. No! The other window! Mountains as tall as the eye can see with buffalo stampeding the valley below. And don't even get us started on America's never-ending roadside attractions.
While each road presents its own beautiful traveling experience, there is one drive in each state known for providing the MOST scenic views around.
According to a list compiled by Thrillist, the most scenic drive in all of Florida is Seven Mile Bridge that extends out to the Keys.
Here's what Thrillist had to say about the most scenic drive in the entire state:
"The open blue sea stretches out on all sides as you drive the longest bridge in the Florida Keys, one of the longest bridges anywhere in the world and just one part of the Overseas Highway. Technically, this is actually not one single bridge, but two, one older one for cyclists and foot trafficand a newer, separate expanse for cars. Arguably, the further you drive out into the Keys, the better the views get—and when you're ready to park it for the night, the stranger the bars get, too."
For a continued list of the most scenic drives in America, visit