Family Bid-Ness

The premier radio show is dedicated to empowering individuals with practical knowledge and insights to tackle business development and ownership. The Father & Son Podcast provides a unique opportunity for listeners to engage with and relate to one or both hosts while guests can showcase themselves as a leader in their industry and highlight the solutions to the problems that we keep talking about. Our captivating episodes feature in-depth discussions, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that equip listeners with the tools they need to develop their organizations.

About the hosts:

Tim Hagerty- Within his 20-year career in the federal industry, Tim seved as GS-12 to GS-13 (Government Service Employee) at the Norfolk Naval Safety Center, Building large software systems supporting the Safety Center’s core mission.

Tim continued building big systems for government customers as a major subcontractor to prime companies.

After taking on a business development role, Time realized quickly that big-data and automation would solve a major problem to growth in the federal market.

This was his inspiration for TeamingPro and for helping small businesses.

Ben Hagerty- Ben was born in Virginia Beach, Virginia and is the youngest of three. Ben started working when he was 15, and by 18 he was an Advanced Placement student, debate and forensics champion.

Ben and Tim began TeamingPro together, and their partnerships immediately transformed into a successful business idea, winning a local small business competition for entrepreneurs. Ben took time away from the company for his junior and senior years where he focused on his studies. Ben came back to TeamingPro with college plans, but after a life-threatening car accident he devoted all of his time and energy to his family and supporting small businesses.

Ben hopes that Family Bid-Ness will bring families together while educating, advocating for, and building up small businesses from the contractor to the CEO. Tune in!

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