Governor Candidate Makes Ethics Push

Former Congresswoman and current Democratic candidate for Governor Gwen Graham says it's time to raise the ethical bar in Tallahassee.

For starters, Graham is calling on Republican Jack Latvala to resign from the Florida Senate. 

Latvala has been accused of groping a senate staffer, and former Congresswoman Gwen Graham says the situation is getting ugly.

"It's not just the allegations now, but the way he's conducted himself, investigating the staffer that was brave enough to come forward with these allegations," she said.

Graham added that she thought Latvala had violated Senate rules, and it was time for him to resign.

"And, if not," she added, "I think it's time for the Senate to expel him."

Graham contends that sexual harassment is not confined to the legislature. 

She says it has become an epidemic across state government and she wants to hire an independent ombudsman to investigate any allegations.

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