Moira's Mixed Company is a monthly radio show, hosted by Moira of The Philips Phile, that will focus on those topics that your mother said "never to talk about in Mixed Company".
But she can, and she will.
Whether it's race, religion, or politics....or sex, drugs and rock-and-roll...Moira will have a monthly studio audience, guests (both in the studio and on the phone), and a dinner party atmosphere.
Several times a year, Moira's Mixed Company will be on-the-road....broadcast from a location in the community. Produced by Josh Fowler (Pinkman), this radio talk show will also be live-streamed and available on a podcast.
The topic for our first show on Friday, January 19, 2018 is Internet Dating. Want to be a part of our in studio audience and share your internet dating story? We are looking for good stories, horror stories! We want it all! Click here to be a part of the first show!