

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


No soup for you

Photo: Canva


Voter registration for the November election might get a boost thanks to--guess who? Just minutes after Tuesday night's presidential debate, Taylor Swift announced that she's voting Kamala Harris, calling Harris a "steady-handed, gifted leader." Swift encouraged her fans to head to the polls in November and included a link to allow people to register to vote. As of yesterday afternoon, government officials confirmed nearly 338-thousand people used the link to visit the site at vote-dot-gov.


A construction crew working on a modernization project at a Southern California high school has uncovered a glimpse into the area's prehistoric past. Millions of fossils dating back nine million years have been unearthed. Archaeologists have identified more than 200 species underneath San Pedro High School near the Los Angeles Harbor. Students say they were shocked to find out their school was built on top of prehistoric whales, fish, and megalodon sharks.


An iconic soup company is changing its name. After 155-years, Campbell's is dropping "soup" from its corporate name and will be called The Campbell's Company. It comes at a time when more consumers are reaching for snacks, rather than soup. Last year, the company says its snack sales grew 13-percent, while its soups grew three-percent. Campbell currently owns many snack brands, including Goldfish, Snyder's of Hanover, Cape Cod and Pepperidge Farm. So don't call them Campbell's Soup.


Justin Timberlake has reportedly reached a plea deal in his DWI case. He was arrested in June in Sag Harbor, New York after driving through a stop sign and drifting to the left side of the road. The driving-while-intoxicated charge will be dropped, with Timberlake instead admitting to a traffic violation. He will plead guilty to Driving While Ability Impaired, which is not a drunk driving offense. He will have to pay a fine between 300-and-500-dollars. 


Publix is apparently where, not only shopping, but working is a pleasure. The Lakeland-based supermarket chain ranks at number-five on Fortune's list of the Best Large Workplaces in Retail for 2024. Number-one for the ninth year in a row is another supermarket chain located on the East Coast, Wegman's. Sheetz, which operates convenience stores, is number two, followed by Target, Trek Bicycle, Publix, CarMax and Walmart.


A search is underway in New Jersey for a man who keeps harassing people at an apartment complex--while naked. South Brunswick Police say the incidents started in the middle of the night, when residents were approached by the man wearing only a ski mask. But the most recent incident happened in broad daylight Tuesday in front of a woman walking her dog. There have been a half a dozen reports of the odd behavior at the complex but police believe there have been more and that it's been going on for months. Anyone who encounters the naked man is urged to contact them immediately. 


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