Photo: Canva
We'll continue to bring you up to the minute information on the brutal and escalating war between Israel and Hamas. In addition, I'll bring you highlights of President Biden's overdue speech to the nation, even though there weren't many in his forgettable 10 presentation from the White House. Conspicuously absent from Biden's comments any mention at all of Iran, which has been the brains and braun behind the Hamas terrorists for years, and has its fingerprints all over these brutal attacks on Israel. We'll also hear from Biden's National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who I think knows Iran is behind the attacks, but won't admit it, because that would mean admitting what's obvious to me, that Biden's efforts to appease and placate Iran have been a total failure!
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill joins us again LIVE with a comprehensive update
on the war.
As the Sun-rail commuter rail line through Central Florida continues to suffer from a lack of riders I'll tell you about plans in the works to extend Sun-rail service from Orlando to Orlando International Airport. City leaders like Mayor Buddy Dyer are all excited about this project, but I'm worried about the projected $2 billion dollar cost, who's going to wind up paying for it, and whether it'll attract enough riders to justify the high price tag. What do you think?
Let's talk!
In Wednesday morning's Florida File, I'll talk with you about the following:
Why the Florida Supreme Court is wrestling with the definition of "riot" and why what the justices decide could impact all of us!
How do you feel about police having the power to get your car engine turned off by remote control while you're driving? Is that okay with you, or not? I'm asking because that just just happened in Florida, and led the suspect in a high speed chase to lose control and have a wreck that might have killed him and a lot of innocent people!
A Florida man caught beating on a beached shark with a hammer has been sentenced to probation, but no jail time. Is that sentence just, or not?
Governor Ron DeSantis wants to sanction Iran for it's savage attacks on Israel. I'll tell you what he has planned for the next legislative session.
We'll spend some time talking about our Good Morning Orlando question of the day: What fears do you have that you wish you could get over? Be ready to call, text or record a Talkback on this, and Alan, Guy, Lizzie and I will let you in on the things we fear most! Should make for a scary show!