

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Trump for Speaker of the House?

Photo: Getty Images


We'll talk about House Republicans turning their attention from the historic ouster of Speaker Kevin McCarthy to trying to elect a new Speaker. How about former President Trump for Speaker? ! Could it happen? Would Trump take the job on an interim basis while he runs for President and deals with all the court cases facing him? Would you like to see Trump become House Speaker...or not? Join us on Good Morning Orlando for what ought to be a rousing debate!


I'll have the latest rant from an angry Donald Trump as he arrived in court for the third day of his civil fraud trial in New York, and we'll talk about how the trial is likely to end and its impact, if any, on Trump's standing at the top of all the Republican presidential candidate polls.


How do you feel about Governor Ron DeSantis pledging to being gas prices down to $2 dollars a gallon if he's elected President, with his plans to "drill baby, drill", everywhere in the country EXCEPT here in his home state of Florida? Can he get away with that, politically? And would you like to see Florida opened up to oil drilling and all the well paying jobs that would provide? Or, do you think the environmental risks of drilling in the Sunshine state is just too great? Let's talk!


I'll tell you how the Orange County Commission has decided to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in Tourist Development Tax revenue, and we'll debate whether they've made the right decisions...or not!



Olsen on Law with Alan and Attorney Tom Olsen: today's topic- when parents pass away, how likely is it that their children will argue and never speak to each other again?!

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