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Friday fun on the 50,000 Watt Front Porch! :
It's National Ice Cream Cone Day! Celebrate with all of us on Good Morning Orlando by telling us what's
your favorite flavor of ice cream to put in that cone. Text it to 23680 !We'll keep track of your votes during
Friday's show!
The Biden border debacle has just gone from bad to worse, to arguably the worst ever, with news that 10,000 illegal aliens have flooded across our southern border in a single day. We'll talk about what seems like a total policy failure, but it's not! Why, you ask? Because this IS the Biden policy- a wide open border! Let's talk about the dangerous national security impacts of an open border, and also the negative economic impacts you may not have considered that are hurt, and will continue to hurt all Americans!
Book banning is the topic of conversation, as we examine the constant accusations from the left that Governor DeSantis is out to ban books like Hitler did in Nazi Germany! What he's really trying to do is to ban books from school classrooms and libraries that are inappropriate for our kids to be reading! I'll tell you what happened this week when concerned Floridians showed up at a Seminole County School Board meeting and started reading aloud from exactly the kind of sexually charged and smutty books they are trying remove from our schools! Then, we'll debate just where to draw the line on what our children should and should not be reading in school, and what books should be banned from school classrooms and libraries.
We'll open the DeSantis Campaign File and talk about the Governor's newly revealed plan for energy dominance, and his tough plan to deal with illegal immigration, should he become President. I think DeSantis needs to hammer these two issues Americans really care about, and hammer them hard at next week's second Republican candidates debate. What do you think? Could these two issues get DeSantis back in the game against Trump and his other rivals for the GOP presidential nomination...or is it a lost cause?
Tell me, as you look back on your life, at what age were you the happiest you've ever been? I'll ask you to text in your answer, and then I'll tell what a study of nearly half a million people world-wide found was the happiest age for the most people.
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill joins me to talk about what happened Thursday when President Biden welcomed Ukraine's President Zelensky to the White House. Did Zelensky get a commitment for the additional $24 billion dollars from the U.S. to help defend his country from the Russian invasion?