Photo: Canva
We'll talk about the big serving of "Grilled Garland" Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee cooked up Thursday, as they grilled Biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland for several hours on the weaponization of the Department of Justice against the President's political enemies, and the DOJ's slow walking of the Hunter Biden investigation.
My take on Garland- he was often evasive, sometimes clueless, occasionally extremely argumentative, and as always, came across to me me as weak and mealy-mouthed. What did you think? Let's talk!
Should Florida's minimum age a child to be arrested be raised from 7 to 14...or not? We'll debate that question in the wake of a lawsuit that's just been filed by the family of an Orlando girl who was arrested at school when she was only 6, and who her family claims is still traumatized by the experience four years later.
I can almost hear the trains a comin', the brand new Brightline trains, which begin regular runs Friday between the Orlando International airport and Miami. I've been rooting for Brightline to succeed, because this is the only privately funded and privately built railroad in the U.S. No taxpayer money involved. Let's talk about whether Brightline will be successful in getting people to ride the rails to and from Miami instead of driving or flying. Is the price right? Will it be considered convenient enough for the masses that it can survive and make a profit...or not?
We'll talk about the results of a new survey which claims more people are at their happiest when they reach the age of 70. I'm not sure I agree with that, and I'll want to know at what age you were happier than at any other time in your life!
It's hard to imagine the flood of illegal immigrants coming across our wide open southern border could get any worse than it's been under the Biden administration, but that's exactly what is happening as I write this blog!
Some 4,000 illegals have come into the U.S. today alone! Who are these people, where are they from, and how did so many arrive at our border at the same time?! I'll have the answers, and we'll talk about the solutions to this national nightmare!
Hey, I just read that the circus is coming to Orlando after a 6 year absence! It's a totally reimagined Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey circus, complete with NO ANIMALS! What?! I don't think this is going to work, do you? Let's talk it over, here on the 50,000 Watt Front Porch !