

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


DeSantis fires back against charge of racism

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Hurricane Lee has exploded into a monstrous Category 5 storm, still headed in the direction of Florida and the U.S., but still forecast to turn and stay out to sea. We'll talk live with one of our Accu-Weather experts and bring you the very latest during Friday's Good Morning Orlando.

We'll hear from Orlando Police Chief Eric Smith who says progress is being made against violent crime in the city, and how pleased he is to have a new tough on crime State Attorney Andrew Bain aggressively prosecuting the suspects OPD arrests! Chief Smith, you can thank Governor DeSantis for that!


I'll put the spotlight on a couple of Central Florida stories that both prompt the question: What is justice?

What is justice for the mom in Titusville who fired a gun at a school bus with students on board? I think she should do prison time, but I'll explain why she may not.


What is justice for those Viera High School football players involved in the bizarre and sexually perverted hazing of a couple of their teammates? We'll hear from the parents of one of the victims who are demanding criminal charges be filed, which I absolutely agree needs to happen!


Is racism running rampant in Seminole County?! You'll hear that claim made by the county's Supervisor of Elections, Chris Anderson, the first black person ever to hold that office in Seminole County history. And we'll talk about what Anderson's saying, why he's saying it, and whether he's right or wrong in his claims of rampant racism within the government and the general population of the county I call home!



With COVID making a comeback, there's more and more talk about mask mandates and vaccine mandates, just as a new booster shot is about to become available. We'll talk live with Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill about all this, and we'll hear from Governor Ron DeSantis on where Florida stands on COVID mandates moving forward.

What began as a routine question at a DeSantis news conference erupted into a firery exchange that had our Governor about as amped up as I've ever heard him! The question led to accusations that DeSantis is a racist, that his policies are racist, and that the Governor bears some of the blame for the recent racially motivated murders of three black people at a Dollar General story in Jacksonville! I think these claims are baseless and they are outrageous, don't you?! Let's talk!


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