

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


What happens if there's a UPS strike?

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We'll have the latest for you on the great "Texas Border Buoy Battle" between President Biden and Texas' Republican Governor Abbott. Abbott is defying Biden's Monday deadline for removing buoys the Governor has strung across the Rio Grande River to make it harder for migrants to cross and enter the U.S. as illegal aliens. 

I'm totally backing Governor Abbott on this because all he's doing is trying to secure his part of the southern border Biden the Democrats have left wide open to illegals and illegal drugs like fentanyl to flow into our country! 

Here's a link to this important story we'll be talking about with you:


You've been hearing a lot about the prospect of a strike by UPS truck drivers, which could happen at the end of this month and would be the biggest strike in U.S. history! Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill joins us to update the status of negotiations on a new contract for the drivers and to let us know what to expect if there is a UPS strike.

As I write this blog there's breaking news that Hunter Biden's business partner, Devon Archer, will soon testify before the House Oversight Committee. Archer knows all about Hunter's overseas deals, and could expose President Joe Biden as a liar for repeatedly claiming he has never had anything to do with Hunter's business activities!


I'll have the latest evidence for you that Disney is slowly dying from a chronic case of what I call "BLD", as in Bud Light Disease. Bud Light sales have tanked big time since customers rebelled against Bud Light's association with transgendered celebrity Dylan Mulvaney. Now, there are more and more signs that the left wing decision makers inside the Disney corporation are turning people off with their determination to create products that advance their radical ideology but are being rejected by millions of Disney's former fans.

Disney's streaming service is hemorrhaging red ink as folks cancel their subscriptions over content they find inappropriate for the kids to watch. And, Disney's recent woke movie releases have bombed at the box office. Has the Mouse House learned it's lesson? I don't think so. They're coming out with a live action remake of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, starring Snow Brown and seven ultra diverse looking characters, only one of whom appears to be a dwarf!

Let's talk about what's going on at Disney and how you feel about it!


Rory O'Neill's back to talk about Twitter replacing its iconic blue bird logo with a black "X". Is this a smart move by CEO Elon Musk, or is it short-sighted? Rory's has the scoop!

Artificial Intelligence expert Dr. Bart Kosko makes a special appearance on Good Morning Orlando, to help us understand what A-I is all about and how it will change our world in a myriad of ways both good and bad.

We invite you to text in your A-I questions for Dr. Kosko to 23680.

The Heimlich Maneuver used to save people who are choking and can't breathe takes center stage, as our Executive Producer Guy Robberts shares the story of how his wife performed the Heimlich Maneuver on him and saved his life earlier this week!

This harrowing experience has Guy thinking about how we can get more people trained in the Heimlich Maneuver so more lives can be saved. He'll share his thoughts on that as we close Tuesday's show.  


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