

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Biden can't read the prompter

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We'll let you hear sound from the just released Orlando Police Department body cam from the night an officer shot and killed drug suspect Derek Diaz while he sat in his car. Here's a link to the video so you can see for yourself how this all went down, and another link to the story as it's being reported by local media outlets.



In my opinion, if Diaz had fully complied with all the police commands he would be alive today. But when he took his hands off his car's steering wheel, and suddenly reached down to the car's console, one of the officers shot him, wrongly believing he was going for a gun. There was no gun. 

We'll talk about whether shooting and killing Diaz was justified. I don't know how this will ultimately play out in a court of law, but, I firmly believe that in the court of public opinion.,..based on everything I've seen in the video... few people will feel the use of deadly force was justified. And that is going to be a big problem for the OPD moving forward.

I'll open up our Trump file so we can debate the following issues involving the former President who continues to hold a dominant lead in all the presidential polls:

It appears Trump will refuse to participate in the upcoming GOP presidential debates. Good move or bad move on his part?

What about Trump's refusal to say he'll support whoever wins the Republican nomination? Do you agree with him on that, or not?

And Trump's been ripping into Iowa's popular Republican governor of late. Could that hurt his changes of winning the critically important Iowa caucuses?

Republicans hauled FBI Director Christopher Wray before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday and grilled him for hours on a host of issues. We'll let you hear some of the most contentious exchanges. I'm not sure the Republicans got much out of Wray, but I think you'll agree it was pretty good political theatre!


Newsradio WFLA White House Correspondent Jon Decker joins us live with a wrap up of President Biden's trip to the NATO summit meeting in Lithuania, and the big debate about whether Ukraine should be allowed to join NATO, and if so, when.


It's Olsen on Law with Alan and Attorney Tom Olsen- today's topic: what is a living will ?

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