

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


What did Trump say about Hillary?

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Cocaine-gate Update! From the Budman's Believe It Or Not file comes late word that a spokesman for the White House has refused to deny the cocaine found in the White House belongs to President Biden or his son, Hunter! You will hear this incredible comment, and the equally incredible reason given for refusing to say anything more about Cocaine-gate!


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' once so promising presidential campaign has stalled out, his poll numbers have hit the skids, the gap between him and Trump, the runaway frontrunner for the GOP nomination keeps getting wider, and a lot of the pundits are talking like it's over the Gov !  

Join us as the Budman comes to the rescue! I'll lay out what DeSantis must do more of and less of moving forward if he wants to get back in the game and have a seriously shot at the nomination and ultimately the presidency in 2024!

I'm not even letting Alan, Guy and Lizzie know what's in my plan, so they'll be able to react to what I'm proposing right along with you! Agree or disagree, let me know what you think of my DeSantis campaign revival plan by calling 407 916 5400, texting to 23680 or recording your thoughts using the Talkback feature on the iHeartradio app !

In our Trump file, I've come across a stunning piece of sound from a speech the former President made just a few days before he was elected President over Hillary Clinton in 2016. You will hear Trump say Hillary should not be elected because she will likely wind up under criminal indictment and it would be impossible for her to govern under such circumstances!  

Wow! Trump's already under two criminal indictments with the prospects of more to come. Does what he said about Hillary back then apply to him in 2024? And, if voters wind up doing what he called for them to do in 2016, will Trump be doomed to defeat, despite the high flying poll numbers he enjoys right now?! Let's talk about this!

Florida's new alimony laws have just kicked in, and among other things it means the end of permanent alimony. See below for a link to all you need to know about the changes in our alimony laws. If you're paying alimony following a divorce, or you're on the receiving end of alimony payments, we want to know how you feel about these big changes, so be ready to join the conversation and sound off, right here on our "50,000 Watt Front Porch" !


I just saw the news that Orange County's tourist tax revenue has taken a tumble! Some say it's because Governor DeSantis' policies have created a hostile environment that has tourists staying away from Florida. I don't think that's had a significant impact on tourism, but I'll tell you what has- Bidenomics!

I'll make the case that the downturn in tourism revenue locally can be blamed on the Biden economy. With wages not keeping up with the worst inflationary period in 40 years, people are feeling the pinch and deciding they can't afford an expensive trip to our local attractions. I think I've nailed it! What do you think?


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