

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Trump's rally in South Carolina

Photo: Getty Images


Name the presidential candidate of your choice. Now, tell me how many people you think they would draw for an outdoor campaign rally on a 95 degree holiday weekend afternoon in a small town about the size of Frostproof, Florida, which has a population of roughly 3,000? I'd say a couple of hundred would be a good guess, wouldn't you? So, how does 50,000 to 55,000 sound?! That's the number of people the police chief of Pickens, South Carolina says turned out in his little town for former President Donald Trump's rally on Saturday!! I've seen the video and I don't think the chief is exaggerating! 



My friend, I have followed presidential politics closely for more than 50 years, and I can assure you no President of presidential candidate has ever drawn a crowd that big to a tiny town on a holiday weekend in the scorching heat, stood for hours waiting for their favorite candidate to speak, and then stood there while he spoke for nearly an hour and 20 minutes!

What happened at this Trump rally is historic and I believe unprecedented. Let's talk about the hold Trump

has on his supporters and whether there is anyone or anything, (including multiple criminal indictments) that can

stop him from winning the Republican nomination for President!

We'll talk about the U.S. Supreme Court's supremely conservative finish to it's 2022-2023 term! The high court's final decisions were announced last Friday, and included a smackdown of President Biden's $400 billion dollar college student loan forgiveness program! 


I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July weekend and found a way to really celebrate the great American holiday and all the blessings we enjoy living in this great country! We'll discuss some of the highlights from Independence Day celebrations in Orlando and elsewhere in Central Florida. And we'll talk about what I think is a really disturbing trend in parts of the U.S., where more and more 4th of July fireworks displays are being replaced by lighted drones dancing around in the sky. YUCK! So much for "the rockets red glare and the bombs bursting in air"!! What's driving this trend, and how do you feel about it?!


We'll talk some weird, wild stuff I came across while preparing for Wednesday's edition of Good Morning Orlando:

A passenger on a long flight found herself sandwiched between two really fat people, and after a flight attendant granted her request to move to another more comfortable seat, one of the fat passengers angrily accused her of having "fatphobia" and contributing to discrimination against those who are severely overweight. Is she guilty as charged...or not? 


I'll tell you about the first flying car ever to be approved for sale to the public! Would you take a ride...and a 

flight...in it? And will flying cars become a danger to rest of us driving below?


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