Photo: Getty Images
I want to put the spotlight on the new low in American politics (which is really saying something!) that happened over the weekend. "F*#K DeSantis!!!" was screamed into a microphone in the presence of thousands of people by the Orlando area's 26 year old left wing freshman Democrat Congressman Maxwell Frost! As you will hear, it happened at a concert in Washington, D.C., was posted on Twitter, and then retweeted by Frost who has refused to apologize, saying only "I said what I said".
I ask you, where is the outrage over this?! I've heard nothing from local Democrats, nothing from the Florida Democrat Party, nothing from the Democrats in Congress...not even a word from the Speaker of the House, Republican Kevin McCarthy!
As far as I can recall, dropping an F-bomb against a presidential candidate in such an anger-filled public way is unprecedented in modern American politics! Frost needs to be held accountable for this outrage! If the Democrats won't denounce him, Speaker McCarthy needs to haul him into the well of the House on Monday and demand that he apologize to Governor DeSantis and to the American people and fully explain what was behind this obscene tirade! Frost needs to be formally reprimanded, and in my mind he needs to be censured by the House for his outrageous behavior!
We'll talk about this and I hope you'll let us know what you think by calling 407 916 5400, texting to 23680 or recording your comments using our Talkback feature on the iHeart radio app !
I'll crack open the Trump file for the very latest news on the former President:
Trump continues to lead all Republican challengers in a new poll that's just come out:
Fellow Republicans are ripping into Trump for congratulating North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un:
The grand jury investigating the classified documents found at Mar-A-Lago is about to meet:
On Monday that FBI document a whistleblower claims will show Joe Biden accepted a $5 million dollar bribe in exchange for making policy changes when he was Vice President will be brought to Congress. If the document is as advertised and not heavily redacted to the point where it's impossible to fully discern its contents and significance, this could be a huge story....emphasis on "could be".
We'll highlight Governor Ron DeSantis whirlwind weekend on the campaign trail, where he campaigned before enthusiastic crowds in the early primary states of New Hampshire and South Carolina.
You'll also hear how Desantis took on an unruly heckler and an obviously biased reporter:
A new survey finds most senior citizens fear running out of money more than they fear dying! Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill drops by with full details.
It's Open Mind Monday, and your chance to sound off on the topic of your choice whether we've been talking about it or not...and whether we agree with you or not. Call, text or make a Talkback recording. We promise to listen, and to keep an open mind to whatever's on your mind!