

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Debt limit deal

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We'll talk about the results of the House vote on the debt limit deal and what happens next with this controversial compromise aimed at heading off the first default in U.S. history. As I predicted, the so-called "Fiscal Responsibility Act" passed the House, and actually passed by a wider margin than I expected. 



I'm tracking former President Trump as he makes his way to Iowa to campaign and to appear at a FOX townhall Thursday night. I'll have the latest poll numbers which continue to show Trump with an impressive lead over Governor DeSantis and an enormous lead over the rest of the field vying for the Republican presidential nomination. Also, a lot of Trump supporters are shocked and chagrined that he has suddenly turned on his former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany! Why would he do that to someone who served him so well ?! Let's talk about it, and the recent poll showing 56% of voters think Trump is mentally unfit for the presidency!





I have some serious questions for us to discuss as we open up our jam packed Florida File, and here they are:

Should a Hernando County 5th grade teacher have resigned for showing her class a Disney movie featuring a gay character?


In Seminole County County, why does the new Lyman High school yearbook feature a couple of pages on sexual terms used within the LGBTQ community? Is this appropriate content for a yearbook? I don't think so, but what do you think?


And, in Brevard County, a small child is dead after her parents left her in a hot car while they went to church. Should the parents face criminal charges, or not?


We'll talk live with one of our top flight Accu-Weather meteorologists about the 2023 hurricane season which begins Thursday. And, he'll have the latest for us on a tropical system moving over Central Florida and how stormy the weather's apt to get as we head toward the weekend.

Orange County officials have released the findings of their citizens survey on crime. We'll talk about what the survey shows, and I want to know why they released the crime survey results last Friday evening, just as most folks focused on the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Call me cynical, but I don't think the timing here was an accident. I think officials wanted as little attention as possible on crime, which continues to be a serious problem in Orange County and all of Central Florida!


Olsen on Law with Alan and Attorney Tom Olsen- today's topic: What happens if you try and back out of a real estate contract?

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