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We're following reports that charges against President Biden's son, Hunter may be imminent, and also reports that a whistleblower has
credible information that may implicate Joe Biden in a criminal bribery scheme dating from his time as Vice President under Barack
Obama. Here are a couple of links for you to these stories we will follow through the night and talk about with you Thursday morning.
Russia claims Ukraine has attempted to assassinate President Putin in a drone attack on the Kremlin in Moscow. Ukraine denies any
involvement, Putin is reportedly okay, but the Russians are threatening retaliation and even talking about using nuclear weapons against Ukraine.
It's not easy trying to sort out what's true and what may well be Russian disinformation for which they are notorious, but I'll have the latest for you.
We'll talk about the controversy swirling around the U.S. Navy's use of a drag queen to help meet its recruitment quota! What's your reaction to this?Is it okay with you...or not? Let's talk!
Would you believe a video of patriotic Americans standing and singing as the Star Spangled Banner is played inside a restaurant has triggered angry responses on Tik Tok !? Among the comments posted: “By far the most dangerous situation I’ve ever been in!” Others on Tik Tok called the video "wild", "scary", even "terrifying!" What's wrong with these people?! We'll talk about it and you'll hear what the restaurant owner has to say.
Florida police are being accused of racism because statistics show more blacks than whites are ticketed for playing music so loud in their cars that it violates state law! Is it just possible there's nothing racist afoot here, that more blacks than whites get the tickets because more blacks than whites are cranking up the volume!? Does everything have to have a racial component to it these days?! We need to talk about this, and we will !
Newsradio WFLA White House Correspondent Jon Decker joins us with his thoughts on whether Hunter Biden is about to face criminal charges, as is being widely reported.
We'll focus on serious concerns that Artificial Intelligence may threaten the integrity of future elections. Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Erin Real joins us to talk about it.
Loneliness. Apparently there are more lonely people than ever in America right now, and the U.S. Surgeon General is out with a disturbing report that being lonely can be as damaging to your health as smoking a dozen cigarettes a day! If you've ever felt really lonely, does that ring true with you? We invite you to share your story by calling 407 916 5400, texting to 23680, or recording your thoughts using our Talkback feature on the iHeartradio app.