

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Tucker Carlson speaks out

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We'll open Thursday's show with a deep dive into our DeSantis File, which is filled to overflowing, giving us plenty to talk about with you!

Disney is suing Governor DeSantis, claiming he is illegally targeting their company and damaging their business. Who's in the right here, and how is

this likely to turn out in court, and how might it impact DeSantis when he enters the presidential race?


The Florida Legislature is clearing the way for DeSantis to run for President, by changing current Florida law that requires him to resign as

Governor in order to seek another elective office.


Suddenly there is talk of a Trump-DeSantis ticket in 2024, with DeSantis becoming Trump's vice presidential running mate! We'll talk about it, even though I can't imagine DeSantis taking a back seat to Trump, especially with all the nasty things Trump's been saying about him....can you?!


Tucker Carlson, the former king of cable news, who was fired by FOX on Monday, has just surfaced on Twitter with a video. We'll play excerpts for you of what Tucker said, which I think offer clues to what he hopes to do moving forward. We'll also talk about what he didn't say, which I found interesting and a bit surprising. Join the conversation and let us know what you think the future holds for Tucker Carlson. Call 407 916 5400, text to 23680, or record your thoughts using the Talkback feature on the iHeartradio app.

In a rare news conference you'll hear President Biden talk about his lousy poll numbers and his age, which will be 86 if he wins the 2024 election and serves all four years. Biden also talks about Donald Trump in predictably negative ways, and says whether he'd be running for President if Trump weren't in the race!

Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill joins us with more on Disney suing DeSantis.

We'll focus on the developing 2024 presidential campaign, and talk about the biggest dangers facing Biden, Trump and DeSantis, assuming he runs, which I'm certain he will.

It's "Thank You Thursday", the annual day set aside to encourage folks to thank the people they love and those who have made a positive difference in their lives. Be ready to tell us who's at the head of your list of those you'd like to thank. Also, our Executive Producer Guy Robberts will play the voices of some famous people saying "Thank you", and the rest of our our Good Morning Orlando team will try to figure out who's talking. We hope you'll listen closely and play along with us!

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