

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Fully self-driving cars "Coming Soon"

Photo: Getty Images


The serious threat to AM radio that threatens to undermine the safety and security of all Americans will weave its way into all three hours of the Friday edition of Good Morning Orlando. Be sure to be listening as we tell you more about all the car makers removing AM radio from their new models, and the critically important role AM radio stations like Newsradio WFLA have always played, and must continue to play, in providing vital information whenever there is an emergency. 

We also need your help in getting Congress to pressure automakers into including AM capability in all their car and

truck radios moving forward. Please text "AM" to 52886 and tell Congress to keep AM radio in all cars and trucks!

We'll have the latest fallout from Florida's early morning emergency alert test phone fiasco that made for a rude awakening for millions at about 4:50 this morning! Governor DeSantis is livid about the test that was supposed to be for televisions, not phones, and he's vowing to hold those responsible for this mistake accountable!



I'll tell you how President Biden is putting the screws to responsible homeowners with mortgages and good credit by forcing them to subsidize high risk borrowers trying to quality for mortgages! This one is making my blood boil, and I bet you'll have the same reaction!


Are you ready to share the road with fully self-driving cars and trucks? Tesla CEO Elon Musk says his company is very close to offering fully self-driving vehicles for sale. Would you buy one or not? And will you feel safe knowing some of the other vehicles on our roads are being guided by onboard computers, not by human drivers?! This scares the heck out of me, so let's talk, shall we?!


Are President Biden and his team obstructing justice in an effort to protect Joe's son Hunter, who's under federal investigation over his taxes? You'll hear from the lawyer for an IRS whistleblower who claims that's exactly what's been going on, and who wants to tell his story to Congress and the American people! We'll have the latest on this potentially explosive story!


From the Budman's Believe It Or Not File comes news today that actor Alec Baldwin will not face involuntary manslaughter charges in the fatal movie set shooting in which he was the gunman! The charges have been dropped! Say what?! How can that be when there is no question Baldwin fired that fatal shot? What's going on here? This story is just breaking.... I'll have the very latest for you and we'll talk about it!


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