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In all three hours of Good Morning Orlando, we'll spend time talking about the arrest of a suspect in what we're led to believe is among the worst
national security breaches in American history. 21-year-old National Guardsman Jack Teixeira faces serious charges for allegedly leaking top secret
Pentagon documents that wound up on social media sites for all the world to see. Among the questions I have and which we'll explore together:
Is Teixeira just a tech savvy young guy trying to impress a bunch of other guys with whom he shared a video game chatroom? Or, did he have
sinister motives? If so, is he a lone wolf or part of some conspiracy to undermine U.S. military interests around the world? How did Teixeira gain
access to top secret documents? Did he steal him? Were they given to him by one or more people up the chain of command in his Massachusetts
Air National Guard unit? How much damage has been done by these top secret documents being made public, and what charges will Teixeira
I have two important entries in my Florida Legislature File for us to talk about:
Last night the House approved a major change to Florida's death penalty law. From now on a jury vote won't have to be unanimous for the death
penalty to be applied....a 2/3rds majority will do it, meaning 8 of the 12 jurors voting for the death penalty.
I'll also tell you about a tax cut bill taking shape. Normally I'd be in favor of cutting taxes,
but I'll explain why I have problems with this particular tax cut plan as it stands right now.
Florida now has a new 6 week abortion ban, which includes some exceptions which we'll discuss. Last night, the House followed the Senate in passing the legislation, which was quickly signed into law by Governor DeSantis. This is among the strictest abortion laws in the country, and I'm fine with that, because I believe life is sacred and the lives of unborn babies must be protected! Do you approve or disapprove of Florida's new abortion law? Let us know by calling 407 916 5400, texting to 23680 or recording your thoughts using the Talkback feature on the i-Heartradio app.
From the Budman's Believe It Or Not file comes the story of desperate beachfront home owners in Volusia County whose houses have been on the verge of falling into the ocean for months now due to severe erosion that started with hurricanes Ian and Nicole last year, and has been exacerbated by this week's strong onshore winds. These people still can't get permits from the state to proceed with repairs, and if they don't get those repairs started by May 1st, they won't be able to do anything until the latter stages of the upcoming hurricane season! Why, you ask? Because of Florida's sea turtle nesting season regulations. Now I love the cute little turtles as much as anyone, but I'm on the homeowners side! They're not to blame for the erosion and they need to be allowed to do whatever's required to save their houses and they ought to be able to have the work done whether it's turtle nesting season or not! Are you with the people...or the turtles? Let's talk!