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Hang onto your wallets! The Biden administration has just put the pedal to the metal and accelerated it's insane, headlong drive to force you and me into electric cars, whether we want them or not! The plan is to have the Environmental Protection Agency ratchet up emission standards for gas powered cars to the point where they cannot be met, and those vehicles cannot be sold! Not only are EV's far more expensive to than gas powered vehicles, but the batteries that power EV's require scarce metals like Lithium. The problem there- Communist China has 75% of the world's capacity to produce EV batteries. If we try to go all electric in the years ahead, we will be enriching China, and they will have control over our ability to power our EV's !
It gets worse! All these electric vehicles will need to be charged on a regular basis, and there is no way America's electric grid can handle that kind of
demand.,And, after 5 years or so, we'll have to replace our EV batteries, and that could cost up to $25,000 dollars!
What the Biden administration wants to do is pure insanity and it has to be stopped! We'll talk about this at 6 AM, and then in our 8 AM hour, Newsradio
WFLA National Correspondent Erin Real will join us with her perspectives.
I've been telling you how worried I am that former President Trump may win the Republican nomination in 2024, but lose in a rematch with Joe Biden, because Trump's so polarizing that he'll be unable to attract enough independent voters to win the general election. It turns out new polls are backing me up, as they show the same problem for Trump that I've been talking about. I'll have the numbers for you and we'll talk about them.
Would you support giving the death penalty to pedophiles who assault children under 12, but don't kill them? I'll tell you about a Florida bill that would make these convicted pedophiles eligible for the death penalty, and we'll debate whether this should become the law....or not. My take on this may surprise you, so be sure to join us!
Don't you just hate it when you're driving down one of our major multi-lane highways and the left lane meant for passing is blocked by one or more drivers who just stay in the left lane and refuse to move over? That may soon be against the law in Florida. At first glance it may seem like a great idea, but I see problems with this legislation. I'll explain, and then we'll see what you think! So be ready to call us at 407 916 5400, text us at 23680, or listen to us on the iHeartradio app, tap the microphone and record your comments using our Talkback feature!
Olsen on Law with Alan and Attorney Tom Olsen - today's topic: How you may be able to avoid paying capital gains taxes when you sell your home!