

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Biden says he IS running in 2024

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We will discuss the very latest in the tragic aftermath of the mass shooting at a bank in Louisville, Kentucky. 


Among the issues I plan to raise during our show:

The killer was an employee of the bank who came into the building and opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle before the bank had opened for business. Unless someone saw the gun, no one would have questioned his right to be there, which makes this kind of workplace crime especially hard to stop.

Did no one in the bank have a gun they were licensed to carry? We always talk about the importance of the good guys having guns so the bad guys can be stopped, but that seldom seems to be the case.

Police were quick to respond, arriving in just 3 minutes and killing the gunman, but, still, it wasn't quick enough.

Is having armed guards in every business a realistic solution here? I question how many small businesses could afford that luxury, and even if they could, how would you feel about going shopping and seeing gun toting guards in every store you enter?

In the midst of all the mass shootings nationally, and a host of shootings locally, along comes Central Florida's young liberal Democrat Congressman Maxwell Frost, pitching his bill that would establish an Office of Gun Violence Prevention in the Department of Justice. At first glance that may seem appealing, especially right now, but be sure to be listening, because I am going to raise a serious red flag about Frost's proposed legislation. And I'll tell you why I smell a rat...a rat that smells to me like serious gun control !



You'll hear Joe Biden say he's planning to run for re-election in 2024, and we'll talk about his prospects for winning a second term, when his poll numbers are in the tank and a huge number of Democrats don't want him to run! And we'll discuss Trump's latest attempt to discourage Governor DeSantis from running against him for the Republican nomination. Do you want DeSantis to get in the race...or not? Let's talk!


Communist China has just announced they are ready for a fight over the future of Taiwan, a staunch U.S. ally just 100 miles off the coast of China. Enter Republican Senator Lindsay Graham and Trump's Defense Secretary Mike Pompeo, who both say the U.S. needs to be prepared to send troops to Taiwan if and when the Chi-Coms invade the island nation!  

Are you ready to see American soldiers fighting the Chinese half a world away in Taiwan? I am NOT, and I'll tell you why!


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