

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Is the Statue of David pornography?

Photo: Getty Images


In the tragic aftermath of the mass shooting at a private Christian school in Nashville, I want us to debate several serious questions that have arisen

in my mind, and perhaps yours as well. Here they are:

Not only did the shooter carry two assault rifles and a pistol into the school and kill 6 people, but he/she had 7 firearms stored in his/her parents' home where he/she lived, and we're supposed to believe they had no idea?! Should the parents have some criminal liability here?

The Nashville police chief says the shooter was receiving care for an "emotional disorder" and yet was able to legally buy guns, and very recently!

 Also, the shooter is dead, thanks to the quick and heroic work of Nashville police officers, so do you agree with me that we have the right to know

 what that emotional disorder was?

With all the violence in this country linked to people with serious mental health issues, is it time for America to consider bringing back mental institutions where some of these people who cannot be successfully treated would be held on a long-term or even a permanent basis, and thus cease to be menace to society?

So I ask you, which is it?! Are Governor DeSantis and the Republican controlled Florida legislature just trying to pass laws to better protect our kids, or are are they just anti-gay, as their very vocal critics in the LGBTQ+ community charge? We'll debate that question, and here's a link to a story that just showed up on Politico.com:


He's 14 feet tall, has the build of a world class athlete, a sling over his shoulder, a rock in one hand, and not a stitch of clothing on his body! He is the Biblical David ready to fight the giant Goliath, and Michelangelo's classic Renaissance era statue of David has just cost a Florida school principal her job. Why, because a photo of the David statue was shown to kids in an art class and some parents complained it was pornography. The principle has been forced to resign. Were the parents complaints legitimate or not? Should the Principal have been forced to resign or not? Let's talk!


Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill joins us with the very latest in the tragic aftermath of the Nashville, Tennessee mass school shootings that claimed 6 lives.

The shooter at that Nashville school had a couple of assault rifles on her/him, and President Biden has renewed his call for Congress to pass an assault weapons ban. I know I'm walking into a hornet's nest with this talk topic, but I'm hoping we can have a civil discussion and have you respond to my question: What is your case against an assault weapons ban?

Are you opposed to a ban because you have a 2nd Amendment constitutional right to have them? Is it because you fear an assault weapons ban would be the first step down a slippery slope to more gun control and perhaps even the repeal of the right to bear arms? Is it because you need assault weapons to hunt game? Is it because you need them for protection against criminals? Is it because you expect to need assault weapons to fight against our own government? Or, do you expect you will need assault weapons to help fight a foreign enemy that invades the United States? Or, is there some other reason you would oppose a ban on assault weapons? If so, what is it? 

I want to hear from you patriots on this, so be ready to call in to 407 916 5400, use our text line, 23680, or record your thoughts using the Talkback feature on the iHeartradio app !

Life expectancy in the U.S. is down, and so are our average IQ's ! I'll have the stats for you and we'll talk about why Americans aren't living as long these days, and seem to be getting dumber! How do you explain this?! Let's talk!



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