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You'll hear a defiant Orange-Osceola State Attorney Monique Worrell mounting her defense against a suspension she clearly thinks is coming from Governor Ron DeSantis!
The Governor has ripped Worrell for her office's handling of teenage repeat criminals like Pine Hills murder suspect Keith Moses who keep getting let out on the street to commit more crimes. DeSantis has made a number of requests for documents from Worrell's office, and during a Thursday news conference, Worrell said she would comply with all but one of the Governor's requests. What's the request she's stonewalling? I'll tell you during Friday's show, and I'll also let you hear Worrell's vigorous defense of her performance as State Attorney, and her accusations that DeSantis is only targeting her because she's a liberal with a reputation for being soft on crime. Prediction: DeSantis will uncover evidence that she is, indeed soft on crime, and has failed to prosecute a host of criminals who should be locked up but have been set free time and time again. On that basis, DeSantis will suspend Worrell, probably before the end of this month.
Mom's and Dad's, how would you feel about later starting times for your kids attending Florida middle schools and high schools? I'll tell you why some state lawmakers hope to pass legislation mandating school start no earlier than 8 am for all but elementary school students. Do you favor a change like that...or not? Let's talk!
The federal government is getting close to banning TikTok, the hugely popular social media app with connections to Communist China. More and more Republicans and Democrats in Congress see Tik Tok as a national security threat and as a tool used by Communist China to spy on Americans and to manipulate the thinking of the millions of young Americans. Should Tik Tok be banned, and if it is, what kind of backlash might there be from the millions of people who love Tik Tok and will be furious if it's suddenly taken away from them?! Let's talk about it!
As we look ahead to the 2024 president race, I've just seen the stunning results of a poll on a possible matchup of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis in the Florida Republican presidential primary a year from now. According to this new poll, it would be DeSantis by a landslide over Trump! If that happens, it's hard for me to imagine Trump could survive such a defeat here in his home state. What do you think?
As we prepare to set our clocks ahead one hour Saturday night for Daylight Saving Time, we want to know how you feel about the twice a year time change, and whether you would like to do away with the time changes and have us stay on Daylight Saving Time throughout the year. I'll tell you a couple of reasons why I'm not a fan of year round Daylight Saving Time, and we'll welcome your comments on the phone, 407 916 5400, our text line, 23680, and on our Talkback feature available on the iHeartradio app.
During Friday's show, you'll also be able to vote in our One Word Texting Poll: Do you want year round Daylight Saving Time? Text "Yes" or text "No" to 23680. We'll total up the results just before we split for the weekend at 9 am!