

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Florida's gator population is exploding

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Go gators! No, we're not talking Florida Gator sports, even though Newsradio WFLA is your Gator Nation Station! When I say "Go gators!" during Tuesday's show, I'm deadly serious about the need for Florida to go after the exploding alligator population and pare it down to a more reasonable size. A man in Daytona Beach was just attacked by a big gator that showed up at his front door, and last month a woman was killed by an alligator while walking her dog! What more evidence do we need that alligators have been over protected for too long?! And, as more and more people move into Florida, something's got to give, or we will see more and more of these terrifying and occasionally deadly alligator attacks. I've said it before and I'll say it again- it's time for unlimited hunting of alligators until we cut their population in half, at which time we'll reassess the gator population and decide whether further reductions are needed. Do you agree with me, or not? Let's talk!




I'm on 2024 presidential watch with a couple of interesting developments for us to talk about:

It appears President Biden, who's been doing the bidding of the left wing of the Democrat party, is trying to move toward the center on crime, energy and the border. I'll explain and we'll discuss whether this is evidence he's gearing up for a re-election bid.




There's talk that former President Trump might mount a third party campaign for President if he fails to secure the Republican nomination. I'll tell you why, were Trump to do that, it would hand the Democrats the White House on a silver platter, and in my opinion, destroy Trump's legacy!


Tuesday marks the start of the Florida Legislature's annual 60 day session. Republican lawmakers have super majorities in both the House and Senate and they are committed to passing Governor DeSantis' "Freedom Agenda". What's in that agenda that has the Democrats screaming? I'll tell you, and we'll talk about it!


I am routing for the privately funded Brightline train system that will soon make it possible to travel; from Orlando to Miami in three hours! On Monday a Brightline train on a test run reached a peak speed of 130 miles per hour between Orlando International Airport and Cocoa, faster than any train in the southeastern U.S. has ever gone! I am fired up about riding Brightline! How about you? Will you give it a try? Let's talk!



Olsen on Law with Alan and Attorney Tom Olsen- today's topic: How you might be able to sell your home without paying any capital gains taxes!

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