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We'll delve into our Trump File, for what I think is some really good, and some really concerning news about the former President who's a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.
The good news? Trump's just gotten a big bump up in his poll numbers and we'll talk about what's driving that.
The concerning news? It worries me how angry Trump seems to be on an almost constant basis. I'll cite the latest examples in which he's raging against FOX News, and also against The conservative Club for Growth.. I don't recall this level of anger when Trump was President. Nor do I recall it when he ran against Biden in 2020. Do we really want someone so bitter and angry running our country and having access to the nuclear codes? Let's talk about it!
Train wrecks have made a lot of news lately and we'll have one during Thursday's show, as we ride the Biden Train Wreck Express! I'll tell you how Democrats in the House are joining Republicans to try and rein in Biden's non-stop spending that continues to fuel inflation! And, I'll let you hear the President tell a story that's being criticized as "weird" and "gross" on social media. Give it a listen and let us know what you think?
From the Budman's "I Told You!" department, Governor Ron DeSantis is targeting Orange-Osceola State Attorney Monique Worrell in the wake of the Pine Hills murders and the criminal history of the suspect Keith Moses. As I'll explain, DeSantis is demanding Worrell's records on this case, and he also wants to see records on other repeat violent offenders to determine whether Worrell and her office may have been too soft on them and set them free when they should have been locked up. As I told you during Wednesday's show, I would not be surprised if the Governor takes action against Worrell and winds up suspending her, just as he suspended Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren.
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill joins us live with news of a Parents Bill of Rights taking shape in Congress. He'll tell us what's in it, and the likelihood it will pass and perhaps become the law of the land.
Florida's Parental Rights in Education law, wrongly dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" law by critics, bans school discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity in K through 3 classes.
Now, I'll tell you about Governor DeSantis plans to expand this controversial law to impact students up to the 8th grade. Would this be a good thing to do, or not? Let's talk about it!
Olsen on Law with Alan and Attorney Tom Olsen- today's topic: If you die and your kids get your money, do their spouses get some of it if they get divorced?