

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Dogs being banned from sticking their heads out of car windows?

Photo: Getty Images


The top story that will be a presence throughout Thursday's edition of "Good Morning Orlando" here on Newsradio WFLA is the deadly shooting spree in the Pine Hills area of Orlando that has claimed the lives of three people, including a Spectrum News 13 TV journalist and a 9-year-old child, has two other victims fighting for their lives, and the suspect under arrest. 

Speaking of the suspect, he is 19-year-old Keith Moses. Take a look at his criminal history as described by the Orlando Sentinel, and ask yourself what's wrong with our local criminal justice system, that enabled a menace like Moses to be free to walk among us, when clearly he should have been locked up!

A Florida Department of Law Enforcement criminal history report listed more than a dozen arrests for Moses dating back to January 2018, when he was arrested on motor vehicle theft and domestic violence battery charges as a juvenile. He pleaded no contest and was sentenced to a year of supervision. Later arrests included charges of obstructing law enforcement, resisting arrest, burglary, failure to appear in court, grand theft and repeated probation violations, records show. Many of the arrests came when Moses was a minor and arrest reports were not available Wednesday night. Court records show his most recent Orange County arrest occurred in Nov. 21, 2021, when he and two other young men were seen smoking suspected marijuana in a car near Balboa and Hernandez drives in Pine Hills. As deputies approached the vehicle, someone tossed a firearm from the passenger side, an arrest report said. Moses, who was on felony probation from a juvenile case at the time, was arrested on charges of possessing cannabis and drug paraphernalia. The case was dropped the following month, with an assistant state attorney writing it was “not suitable for prosecution.”

We will talk about this heartbreaking and maddening story throughout our show, and we invite you to join the conversation by calling 407 916 5400, commenting on the text line, 23680, or recording your thoughts by using the Talkback feature on the iHeartradio app.

Here's the rest of what we have planned for Thursday's show:

We'll put the spotlight on former President Trump's visit to the site of that toxic train wreck in East Palestine, Ohio. Somebody has to, because the mainstream media has given Trump next to no coverage. To me, that's journalistic malpractice because of the magnitude of this story, the fact the Biden administration has totally dropped the ball, and that Trump's a presidential candidate and the first national political figure to show up in support of the people of East Palestine! On Good Morning Orlando, you will hear the enthusiastic welcome Trump received, and you will hear far more of what he had to say than you are apt to hear on any other media outlet I am aware of!


Would you like to see Florida schools equipped with cameras in classrooms and microphones worn by teachers, all in the interest of security and determining exactly what happened when a student becomes violent in a classroom? Florida lawmakers are introducing a bill that would give local school districts the option of putting cameras and microphones in classrooms. A similar piece of legislation failed to pass last year and we'll debate whether these high tech measures are needed, or not. What do you think?



I have two prominent Central Florida criminal cases on my radar because there are major new developments we need to talk about:

First degree murder charges against Ellen Gilland have been reduced! Gillen is being held without bond after fatally shooting her terminally ill husband in a Daytona Beach hospital, at his request. It is now possible the 76 year old Gilland will be able to post bail, be released, agree to a plea deal and perhaps never serve any time behind bars. If that happens, would you be okay with it...or not?


Word has come down that Winter Park police officers will not be charged in the fatal shooting of Daniel Knight, the uncle of the bride at a wedding who got into a violent confrontation with police about a year ago. Given the circumstances, and Knight's behavior, I think the cops had no choice but to shoot him, and we'll debate whether or not the officers should have been charged or not.


As a teenager I can remember counting down the days until I was legally able to drive, but a new study shows an amazing number of today's teenagers have little or no interest in getting their drivers license. Why is that? We'll talk about it!


We'll wrap up Thursday's show by debating the doggondist bill being considered by the Florida Legislature! This bill, were it to become law, would make it illegal for you to let you dog stick its head out your car window, as dogs have loved doing ever since there were cars! I think this is ridiculous! What do you think?



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