

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


The IRS is planning on targeting tips

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Should all politicians be required to take mental competency tests after age 75? You'll hear Nikki Haley call for that as she takes a shot at 80 year old Joe Biden and 76 year old Donald Trump and draws a contrast to herself at age 51 and launches her presidential candidacy, saying America needs new and younger leadership. I have no problem with mandatory mental competency tests for politicians over 75, but let's talk about who would administer the tests, and what would happen when a President or a Senator flunks? Would they be immediately removed from office. In the case of a U.S. President that would be unconstitutional. Would they be instantly ruled ineligible for re-election? Could they be retested just to make sure the first result was accurate, or would it be one and done if they flunk the mental competency test?


We'll talk about the IRS planning to go after restaurant servers and others who rely heavily on tips as a source of their income. Are they and their tips fair game, or not?


Governor DeSantis wants the Florida Legislature to change the law on ballot Amendments and raise the threshhold for approval from 60% to 67%. Is this a good idea or not? Let's talk!


From the Budman's Believe It Or Not file comes word that the most expensive city in the entire world for a family of four to spend a week on vacation is...drumroll, please....ORLANDO !!! And that doesn't include airfare! Orlando, a more expensive vacation spot than New York, San Francisco, London, etc.?! How can that be? And if it's true, should we be flattered, frightened or what?! I can't wait to get your reaction to this new survey, so be ready to call 407 916 5400, text us to 23680, or record your thoughts by making a Talkback on the iHeartradio app !


I'll tell you the story of a couple of college football players at Ohio State who have just been found innocent of rape and kidnapping charges. Why are we talking about this on Good Morning Orlando? Because when those charges were made back in 2020, they were immediately kicked off the team, lost their college scholarships, and lost a chance to possibly make millions playing in the NFL. So what happens to these young men now? Is there any way to undo the damage that's been done to their careers and their reputations?


It's Olsen on Law with Alan and Attorney Tom Olsen-today's topic: How much can you gift someone and not have to pay any gift taxes?

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