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Donald Trump just got some company in his quest for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination..and it's not Ron DeSantis. It's Nikki Haley, Trump's first U.N. Ambassador and the former Governor of South Carolina. I'll play some of Haley's announcement speech for you and we'll talk about whether she could become a major player as the campaign unfolds. I'll tell you right now, the answer to that question is "Yes!", and I'll explain why and see what you think!
I'll have the latest for you on those mysterious objects the U.S. military has shot down. I'd like to tell you we've finally heard from President Biden on this, but we have not, which is totally outrageous, and a mystery unto its own! However, a member of the White House team now says the objects may just be harmless balloons. Do you buy that? I sure don't and I'll tell you why!
We'll revisit the sad case of Ellen Gilland, the 76-year-old Central Florida woman who made a pact with her terminally ill husband to shoot him in his Daytona Beach hospital bed and then turn the gun on herself. She couldn't go through with the latter, and held police at bay for several hours before surrendering. Gilland, who is being held without bond will likely be charged with first degree murder, although prosecutors delayed entering formal charges during a Tuesday court hearing. In my opinion Ellen Gilland should be allowed to post bail and be released into the custody of her family. I also think the charge of first degree murder goes way beyond what's appropriate. By all counts, the Gilland's were a loving couple ready to end their long lives, and Ellen was not, and is not, a threat to anyone else! Finally, as I've said on the show before, cases like this cry out for Florida to pass a "Death with Dignity" law, which would enable terminally ill people like Ellen's husband to request and receive life ending medication. In that scenario, he would be out of his misery and his loving wife, Ellen, wouldn't be in jail and facing a murder charge. I know my views on this case are controversial, but let's have the debate, shall we?
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill joins us with the latest on the under reported story of the Ohio train derailment that has released dangerous chemicals into the air and water. How could this have happened and who is to blame?!
We'll close the show with the bizarre story of a restaurant that's banning kids! Wait a minute....isn't this discrimination, and isn't discrimination against the law?! Let's talk about this!