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WHAT'S GOING ON UP THERE?!! That's a two-fold question I'll be posing, after the U.S. and Canadian military shot down three more objects over the weekend that were flying at high altitude over the two countries. What ARE these things? Alien invaders, more incursions from the Communist Chinese, or what? And, what's going on up there at the White House? Why haven't we heard from President Biden about all this?! What do YOU think's going on? Let's talk! Give us a call at 407 916 5400, get on our text line, 23680, or record your comments by making a Talkback on the i-Heartradio app !
We have two entries for you in the always jam packed DeSantis file:
*Governor DeSantis continues to duke it out with the College Board that provides material for high school Advanced Placement courses the best students take for college credit. Now, as, I'll explain, the showdown is about more than the Governor's issues (and my issues, too!) with the College Board's woke cirriculum for their AP African-American Studies course. I'll tell you why DeSantis is threatening to ban all College Board AP material from Florida! What happens if he actually does that? We'll talk about it!
Our Governor is also talking about putting the hammer down on banks and other financial institutions he says promote their liberal ideology by tying their willingness to lend money to a person's or an organization's "social credit score"! I'll tell you all about it, and then we'll discuss whether anything can, or should, be done about this!
Tuesday marks five years since Florida's Parkland school massacre in which 17 people were shot to death, and another 17 were wounded. In the wake of that horrible tragedy, a number of policies were implemented to make sure such a thing never happened again, but the school shootings have continued, here and around the country. Let's talk about what more should be done to stop the carnage that continues to take such a terrible toll on America's young people!
Happy Valentines Day from all of us at Good Morning Orlando and Newsradio WFLA ! If you have plans to celebrate with the one you love, be sure to be listening as Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill joins us live to focus on the high cost of showing your love on this Valentines Day, thanks to the ravages of "Bidenflation" !
It's Olsen on Law with Alan and Attorney Tom Olsen. Today's topic: Everything you need to know about Florida's dog bite laws!