Photo: Getty Images
The Tyre Nichols video has been released by Memphis, Tennessee police and we'll let you hear the key moments from Nichols' two violent January 7th encounters with five Memphis cops that led to Nichols' death three days later, and subsequently led to the officers being fired and charged with murder.
A focus in our six o'clock hour will be the welcome absence of violent protests over the video. How do you explain that, knowing there were riots all over the country when George Floyd was killed in an encounter with Minneapolis police. Can the different response be explained by race...Floyd, who was black, killed by white cops, while Nichols, also black, was killed by black cops? Could it be explained by how quickly the Memphis police chief moved to have the cops fired and charged, compared with the Floyd case. Or, does something else explain it?
In our seven o'clock hour we'll talk about the calls for police reforms in the wake of Tyre Nichols' brutal beating...whether reforms are needed...and if so, what reforms would be appropriate and effective?
I'm calling for major criminal justice reforms locally in the wake of a local Amazon driver being robbed at gunpoint in his truck by two guys who, between them, have 85 felony charges against them and roughly a dozen felony convictions. Several times they've had their cases dismissed with prosecutors saying the cases were "not suitable for prosecution" ! What kind of a soft on crime system is this?! These guys and countless other repeat offenders like them should have been taken out of circulation long ago so they cannot menace law abiding citizens like that Amazon driver! Why is this not happening? Who is to blame? Let's talk! Be ready to share your thoughts by calling 407 916 5400, texting us at 23680 or making a talkback recording through the iHeartradio app !
We'll delve into both the Trump and the DeSantis files, as we anticipate them duking it out for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination as this year and next year unfold! I'll tell you how and why Trump's going small right now with his campaign approach in the early primary states of New Hampshire and South Carolina, and how Trump's ripping into DeSantis for not being loyal to him and for "rewriting history" with his comments about the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, Desantis continues his strategy of saying nothing about Trump, good or bad. Also, I'll tell you what DeSantis has just said the Republican Party needs to do if it wants to win in 2024 and beyond and the steps he's taking toward a presidential run.
It's Open Mind Monday...your weekly chance to take over our show and sound off on anything we've been talking about...or something we haven't been talking about. We want to know what's on your mind, and we'll keep an open mind to whatever you say on Open Mind Monday, here on Good Morning Orlando!