

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


31 U.S. tanks to be sent to Ukraine

President Biden has given the go ahead for 31 U.S. tanks to be sent to Ukraine to use against Russia in their 11 month old war. This is the first time we've supplied Ukraine with 

offensive weapons to fight the Russian invaders, and we'll debate whether it's the right move or the wrong move for the U.S. I'm backing Biden on this, which doesn't happen often.

What say you? Let's talk!  


Call it school choice on steroids, Florida style! Governor DeSantis and the Republican dominated state legislature are behind a bill that would create a universal school voucher system. That would give all Florida parents the ability to take their children out of a failing public school and get state funds for the private school of their choice or to set them up for home schooling.

I like the idea of Florida maxing out on school choice opportunities so parents can get the best education possible for their kids. However, as I'll explain, opponents are up in arms over the prospect of universal school vouchers, claiming they would gut Florida's public school system. We'll debate this important issue, and we invite you to join in by calling 407 916 5400, texting us at 23680, or recording your comments using our Talkback feature on the iHeartradio app !




As you'll hear on our show, Governor DeSantis is being threatened with a lawsuit from three Florida high school students if he goes through with his plans to cancel an AP course in African-American studies he says is driving a woke agenda and is more about indoctrination than education. Will the Governor back down? Should he back down? I say "no" to both questions, but we'll see what our team has to say and of course we'll be taking your phone calls, text messages and Talkback recordings as well, because we always want to know what the smartest audience in talk radio is thinking!


President Trump remains the only Republican candidate in the 2024 presidential race, so how about we talk about who he should pick for his vice presidential running mate. How about

ultra MAGA conservative flame thrower, Georgia GOP congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene? I'm asking, because there are reports Greene wants Trump to pick her...and I mean really wants it! Would she be a good pick? If not, who else would you like to see on the Trump ticket? I've got some strong opinions on this and I'll let you know where I stand when we're on the air.


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