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All aboard the Biden Trainwreck Express, as we bring you the latest on those classified documents Joe Biden's lawyers recently found in a
Pennsylvania office. The President's stonewalling the press on this story. Meanwhile, I'll tell you how Biden was ripped by Mexico's president
in a way President Trump never would have been!
The Republican controlled House of Representatives is off to an impressive start! As I'll explain in our first-ever "Swampdrainers Update",
a powerful new sub-committee has just been created to investigate all manner of corruption in the Biden administration and all of official
Washington! And, a bill is being proposed that would repeal the federal income tax, replace it with a "Fair Tax" on consumption, and
abolish the IRS!
Congress has a brand new cover boy, and he's Orlando's 25-year-old ultra-liberal anti-cop District 10 Democrat Maxwell Frost. He's just wound up on the cover of Teen Vogue magazine! I've read the article, which is a total puff job and so sickeningly sweet I almost went into a diabetic coma reading it!
Nowhere is there a mention of Frost's opposition to police and his call for school resource officers to be removed from our schools. I wonder if the teenagers who will read this piece on Frost have any idea he advocates getting rid of the cops in their schools who protect their lives!
We'll update our story from yesterday about Brazil's recently defeated President Jair Bolsonaro, who's turned up in Orlando amid the political violence racking his country where's he's known as the "Trump of the Tropics". A vocal Democrat locally is demanding President Biden extradict Bolsonaro, but I'll tell about Bolsonaro's plans to return to Brazil on his own. Meanwhile, President Biden is reportedly going to invite the current Brazilian President Lula da Silva to visit the White House. Nice move, Joe! Do you realize he's a convicted felon?!
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill drops by to share his perspectives on those Biden classified documents found in an office closet and the political firestorm they are igniting!
What do you do when a 6-year-old child brings a gun to school and shoots and seriously wounds his teacher? This unimaginable nightmare has happened in Virginia, and we'll talk about it. Among my questions for you and our Good Morning Orlando team- do they put the 6-year-old youngster in jail? Will the criminal justice system even allow that to happen? What's the future for that child? What should be done about his mother, who owned the gun legally that somehow wound up in her 6 year old son's hands. Tough questions for sure, so be ready to give us your thoughts by calling 407 916 5400, texting us to 23680 and giving us your first name and town, or recording your thoughts by using the Talkback feature on the i-Heartradio app.
We'll rap up the show by talking about a move by an agency of the federal government to ban gas powered stoves, which are used in the kitchens of some 40% of Americans! The issue is air pollution emitted by gas stoves. Would such a ban be the right move, or the wrong move?
Let's talk!