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House Republicans sure fooled the Budman! On Friday's show I predicted Kevin McCarthy would ultimately be elected Speaker of the House, but that it would not happen on the weekend. Well, it happened in the wee hours of Saturday morning on the 15th ballot, giving us lots to talk about on our Monday edition of Good Morning Orlando!
I'll tell you what changed to end the deadlock with those 20 Freedom Caucus conservatives, what concessions McCarthy made to get the votes he needed, and the House Republican agenda moving forward in the 118th Congress.
We'll also ask you how you feel about McCarthy finally being elected Speaker, so be ready to let us know by calling 407 916 5400, texting to 23680 and adding your first name and town, or recording your comments with a Talkback on the iHeartradio app.
President Biden finally condescended to visit the wide open southern border for the first time ever, showing up in El Paso, Texas for a couple of hours Sunday afternoon. We'll tell you what he had to say, and I'll tell you how the Democrats made sure the TV cameras wouldn't show any illegal aliens in the background streaming across the border or lining the streets and sidewalks!
I'll tell you about three bold moves being made by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, all of which I support, but which are coming in for heavy criticism from what I call the "Ron Be Gone" crowd"
DeSantis has had enough of south Florida being invaded by migrants from the Cuba and is activating the National Guard to put a stop to it!
DeSantis has come up with additional plans to strip Disney of the self-governing status it has enjoyed since the 1960's, to have the state take control of Disney's land, to level the playing field with other companies in Florida, and to make sure the changes he wants don't wind up creating a tax burden for residents of Orange and Osceola counties.
Desantis has shaken up the liberals at a Florida university by appointing a bunch of conservatives to the the school's board to keep them from going off the deep end with their woke agenda.
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill joins us live with his perspectives on House Republicans finally voting to make Kevin McCarthy Speaker, how the high drama all went down and finally ended, what concessions McCarthy made to the conservative Freedom Caucus members to get the votes he needed, and what the Republican controlled House plans to do as the 118th Congress gets underway.
It's another Open Mind Monday, where you get to decide what we talk about and let us know what you think on the topic of your choice! Don't miss your chance to be heard far and wide, loud and clear the "50,000 Watt Front Porch" here on Newsradio WFLA !