

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


What is your all time favorite Christmas Movie?

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We'll analyze and discuss the results of a stunning new poll that shows a major shift among Republicans away from supporting former President Trump and toward backing Governor DeSantis for a 2024 presidential run. Check out these links and be ready to tell us what you think about these poll results. Call 407 916 5400, get on the text line, 23680, or make your own Talkback recording on the iHeartradio app ! Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill joins us on the news poll at 7:42 Wednesday morning.



I have a lot to say about the latest developments in the financial collapse of FTX crypto currency giant FTX and the crook who ran the company and cost investors billions and billions of dollars. Sam Bankman-Fried is now under arrest in the Bahamas and facing multiple serious charges or fraud and corruption. He was supposed to be hauled before a congressional committee today. It didn't happen. I wanted to see the Democrats squirm over the $40 million he's given to their campaigns...money essentially stolen from investors! I also want to know how investigators and regulators seemed to have totally whiffed on what Bankman-Fried was up to when there were so many signs!

As the chaos on the southern border goes from bad to worse, angry House Republicans are making plans to impeach Biden's Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Wait til you hear what Florida Congressman Greg Steube has to say on this! I was cheering when I heard him, and think you may be, too!

I'll let you hear Governor DeSantis calling for Grand Jury to investigate alleged wrongdoing involving COVID vaccines. My questions for the Governor... why now? And what do you hope to accomplish? The vaccines have been around for a couple of years. No one forced anyone to get the shots. No one promised they were 100% safe and effective. And, in my mind, no one can seriously debate that the vaccines have been extraordinarily effective and have saved countless people from serious illness and/or death! I love the Gov...but I don't get where he's coming from with the call for a Grand Jury. Let's talk about this!

I'll give you the latest developments from the Florida Legislature's Special Session. Last I checked they were still working on solving the property insurance crisis, and had agreed on a plan to provide relief to the most frequent users of our toll roads. I've got a few things to say about that!


Our Christmas question of the day: What's your all-time favorite Christmas movie? There are a couple on my list. Can't wait to hear from the rest of our Good Morning Orlando team...and from you!

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