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Nuclear fusion. For 50 years it's been billed as the solution for all our energy problems- an endless supply of clean energy to power the entire world forever! Until now, nuclear fusion has only been a dream, but later today a breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology is supposed to be announced and we're going to talk about what is being reported and whether we might be looking at an energy revolution that will change the world, and perhaps save it in the process. Take a look at these links and join the conversation on Good Morning Orlando!
All aboard the Biden Trainwreck Express! Today we'll talk about Biden's border debacle and how it's going from bad to worse and is about to get catastrophic! Also, I'll tell you how some government officials are sounding the alarm about Biden's release of notorious Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, released last week to gain freedom for American basketball player Brittney Griner. Those government officials say it's likely Bout is already back in action supplying arms to our enemies in trouble spots around the world! Nice trade, Mr. President!
If you think Orlando is "Mecca" for tourists who come here and have the time of their lives and then go back home raving about our city and its people...think again! I'll tell you about a new survey that rates Orlando as the most underwhelming city in the whole world and how we fail to live up to tourists expectations. How are we falling short, and what, if anything, can we do about it?
We've had lots of right to life conversations on our show, but today, we're going to debate whether Florida ought to take steps toward becoming a right to die state, where people with painful and hopeless medical conditions can legally acquire drugs, take them and end their suffering by ending their lives. This is happening in a handful of states. Is right to die right for Florida, or not? Let's talk about it!
I'll keep an eye on the Florida Legislature's Special session in Tallahassee and let you know what, if anything lawmakers have decided on solving our property insurance crisis, providing relief for hurricane victims and giving toll relief for frequent users of our toll roads.