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For the first time in American history we have an 80 year old President. Joe Biden turned 80 Sunday, and while the pro-Democrat media did all they could to ignore this milestone...or is millstone the better word.... but I'm not about to ignore it! In fact, Biden turning 80 forms the backdrop for our One Word Texting Poll question and here it for you to vote on during Monday's "Good Morning Orlando".
President Biden, the oldest President in American history, has just turned 80. Do you want him to run for re-election? Text "Yes" or text "No" to 23680.
Before you text in your vote, think hard about how you're voting and why. It may surprise you to learn that if I were eligible to vote, I'd vote "Yes", and I'll explain why during Monday's show!
I have a follow up for you on the first-ever DeSantis for President TV ad which has started running in Iowa, the first caucus state in the 2024 race for President. We played the ad on Friday's show, and it is just terrific! So, why, then has DeSantis now issued a warning to the pro-DeSantis Super PAC that paid for the ad? We'll talk about it, and whether DeSantis is really as upset as he's making out!
Nearly a dozen top Republican contenders for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination spoke over the weekend at the Republican Jewish Coalition's annual leadership meeting in Las Vegas. As I saw it, the top two attractions were former President Trump and Governor DeSantis...and it wasn't even close! I'll play you excerpts from both their speeches and we'll talk about whether the GOP's two superstars had the right approach or missed the boat. I can tell you that Trump missed a huge opportunity and I'll explain what I mean by that.
We're into all things Twitter in this part of Monday's show, and there's a lot to talk about! Twitter's new owner, Elon Musk has just invited former President Trump to rejoin his social media website, but interestingly, Trump is NOT jumping at the chance. What's that all about? Also, Musk has fired half the Twitter work force and put the rest of the employees on notice to work a whole lot harder than they have been, or get out! Will Twitter survive? And if it does, what will it look like, say a year from now?
Our Good Morning Orlando team will kick all of this Twitter news around and we invite you to join the conversation! Call in to 407 916 5400, text to 23680 or make your own recorded commentary using our Talkback feature on the iHeartradio app !
It's Open Mind Monday, so be ready to sound off on the topic of your choice and we'll keep an open mind!