We'll bring you the latest on Tropical Storm Nicole as it grinds its way across Florida, as we're joined live by one of our top flight Accu-Weather Meteorologists.
How's the storm where you are? We want to hear from you, so be ready to call us at 407 916 5400, text us to 23680 or record your own comments using the Talkback feature on the iHeartradio app!
We'll update the fight for control of Congress and the key races, still undecided, which will determine the balance of power between the Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate. And, we'll hear President Biden's take on the midterm elections as he droned his way through his post-election speech and news conference Wednesday afternoon. I was watching and managed to stay awake just long enough to select some sound cuts for you, a couple of which had a Florida focus.
Nicole came ashore not far from Melbourne, and that's where we find our iHeartradio colleague Bill Mick, host of "Bill Mick LIVE" on WMMB. Bill will join us live to talk about what it's been like along his part of the coast.
As we discussed on Wednesday's show, former President Trump is taking a lot of heat for so many of the candidates he endorsed having lost their midterm races.
We'll hear from Trump on that, and then we'll talk live with Newsradio WFLA White House Correspondent Jon Decker on what Trump's political future is likely to be.