

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Covid vaccine for kids in school?

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The CDC has voted to recommend kids in school be vaccinated against COVID-19. It's not a mandate, but some states could follow the CDC's recommendation and  institute their own mandates. As you will hear on our show, Governor DeSantis has passionately announced that there will be no such COVID mandates in Florida, and that parents are free to decide whether their kids get the shots or not! You'll also hear FOX News leading medical expert, Dr. Marc Siegel make the case for vaccinating your kids, because the latest research shows the shots are safe for them and could protect your children from getting COVID and experiencing long COVID problems like brain fog, which could make it hard for them to concentrate in school. We'll talk about all this, and ask whether you want your school age kids or grand kids to have the shots.



Two weeks and a day until the midterms, I'll tell you why GOP voters are being advised to hang on to their mail in ballots until election day. The reason helps make the case for a change I want to see in this country-an end to early voting and most voting by mail, in exchange for making election day last 24 hours all over the country. I'll explain the benefits I see in such a change, and we'll see what you think!


Two items in our Florida File today:

In the wake of hurricane Ian, some Volusia County residents in flood prone areas are begging for financial help from the government. Do you think they should get it?  I don't and I'll tell you why!


Remember when Governor DeSantis announced the arrest of 20 people convicted of either murder or sex crimes because they were ineligible to vote under Florida law, but voted anyway? Well now, a Florida judge is helping at least one of them to beat the rap. I'm not happy about this and will explain why and we'll see whether you agree with me, or the judge!


What's the most annoying phrase you've heard lately? There's a new list of the "75 most annoying phrases", and we'll have some fun talking about what's on it, and the phrase you think ought to be at the top of the list!


It's Open Mind Monday, so be ready to sound off on whatever's on your mind by calling us at 407-916-5400, texting us to 23680, or making your own recording using the Talkback feature on the iHeartradio app !

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