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With 3 weeks to go before the mid-term elections, Tuesday's edition of "Good Morning Orlando" will be jam packed with talk about the latest polls, the key candidates and issues, and how things are likely to turn out locally, statewide and nationally! And, as always, we invite you to weigh in by calling 407 916 5400, text us to 23680, or make your own recording by using our Talkback feature available on the iHeartradio app!
I'll have the latest polls for you and we'll talk about the issues voters care about the most and how they will influence the outcome of the upcoming elections. Is the big red wave I'm predicting that will sweep the Republicans into control of the House and Senate still in tact, or could Biden and the Democrats turn that wave into a ripple?
What about those 3 proposed constitutional amendments that will appear on the Florida ballot? I'll tell you what they're all about and why I plan to vote "NO" on all of them!
We'll put the spotlight on the elections here in Florida, with analysis of the key races for Governor, U.S. Senate and the House. We'll also talk about Orange County's proposed 1 cent sales tax hike to pay for transportation upgrades. Mayor Jerry Demings and his allies are pushing this hard, but I'm pushing back just as hard and I'll tell you why this measure needs to be defeated! This sets the stage for our special guest at 8:12 Tuesday morning. See below for details on that!
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Jon Decker joins us to talk about political coat-tails... Who's got 'em and who doesn't. Jon will pay special attention to President Biden and former President Trump, because it doesn't look like their coat tails are any great shakes right now!
We'll welcome Matt Falconer to our "50,000 Watt Front Porch". He's leading the fight against Orange County's proposed 1 cent sales tax hike through his organization "". Matt's done his research and he'll make the case that this tax hike is wrong for Orange County and should be rejected by the voters.
Olsen on Law with Alan and Tom: today's topic- everything you need to know about deeds if you're thinking of buying a home.