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There are a couple of Trump news items from over the weekend I want to discuss with our team and our listeners to gauge everyone's reaction.
How do you feel about Trump getting on his Truth Social social media outlet and ripping into Jewish Americans for not appreciating him more for his strong support of Israel during his presidency? Many critics are blasting Trump and calling his comments antisemitic. I've never considered Trump to be anti Semitic, but I can see where his Sunday tirade would have turned off a lot of people, Jewish and otherwise. Why would he do this when he needs to be attracting voters for as possible 2024 presidential run, not turning them off? Let's talk about it!
Trump reacted to being subpoenaed by the House Select Committee probing the January 6th, 2021 assault on the U.S. Capitol with a scathing 14 page letter back to the committee. He really let all the anti-Trumpers on the committee have it, which doesn't surprise me one bit. However, what does surprise me is that he never made a firm commitment one way or the other on whether he'll comply with the subpoena and testify. As I told you during Friday's show, I think Trump should agree to testify as long everything he says is live before the entire country and not subject to any editing whatsoever. He would have the biggest audience he's ever had and would get to counter every argument the committee has made and tell his side of the story!
The Biden Train wreck Express rolls onto the 50,000 Watt Front Porch carrying a couple of really bad Biden moments we'll discuss in detail:
With Americans across party lines struggling under the Biden economy and the worst inflation in 40 years, what was old Joe thinking when he said this weekend that "Our economy is strong as hell !" ??
And what was creepy Joe thinking when he drew real close to a young girl and told her not to have any serious relationships with men until she's at least 30?! The Biden-loving liberal media is basically giving the President a pass on this, but I won't! There's something sick and twisted about watching a guy about to turn 80 say that to a girl maybe 12 years of age.
What do you think?
In the aftermath of the jury recommending Nikolas Cruz be given life in prison instead of the death penalty for slaughtering 17 people in the Parkland, Florida school massacre, Governor DeSantis is calling for changes in our death penalty laws. I'm with the Governor on that, but he hasn't yet gotten specific on what changes he wants to see, so let's help him out. Be ready to let us know what changes you want in Florida's laws for death penalty cases that come along in the future. I gave you some of my thinking on this during Friday's show, and I'll have more to say during the Monday edition of "Good Morning Orlando" !
Remember when Governor DeSantis and President Biden held a news conference on hurricane ravaged Fort Myers Beach and Charlie Crist and Val Demings, the Democrats hopes for Governor and Senator, failed to show up? Clearly, they didn't want to be seen next to Biden, whose low approval ratings have made him a real liability for Democrat candidates across the country. Well, guess what? Charlie and Val showed up in Orlando this weekend when First Lady Jill Biden spoke at a Gay Pride event. Partisan politics was more important to Chuck and Val than showing support for devastated hurricane victims, but when they get the call from the gay minority, they're all over the photo op! Let's talk about this!
Reports are Governor DeSantis plans to keep on flying illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities and states up north. I'm fine with that, but the people handling these chartered flights must be anti-DeSantis liberals! How else do you explain them charging Florida almost $1 million dollars for a couple of flights involving roughly 100 migrants! They're gouging us, Governor! I say to heck with them. Let's find a cheaper way to get this done. Buses come to mind, sir. Anybody agree with me? We'll talk about it!
It's Open Mind Monday when you get to sound off on the topic of your choice, knowing we'll listen and keep an open mind whether we agree with you or not. Be ready to call us at 407-916-5400, send a text message to 23680 or record your own message using our Talkback feature on the iHeartradio app !