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We'll talk about Tulsi Gabbard's brutal takedown of the Democrats and all they stand for, as she announces her exit from the Party. I think she has totally nailed it when it comes to her take on the Democrats, but I want to know why she made this move now, and what the future holds for the former congresswoman from Hawaii. Could Tulsi wind up as Trump's 2024 running mate even though she once went on "The View" and accused him of inciting racism and bigotry? Is she a fit for the Republican Party when she's so boldly pro-choice and pro-gun control? Let's talk all things Tulsi Gabbard, shall we?!
As a follow up to Tuesday's big "Good Morning Orlando" debate on why so many people refused to evacuate their homes in the face of Hurricane Ian, I'll have some stunning statistics from Orange County on how many homeowners they told to evacuate, and how few actually agreed to do it....until after their homes were flooded.
Have you seen the extraordinary new Casey DeSantis political ad in which she talks so lovingly and genuinely about her husband Ron and how he helped her through her fight against cancer? We'll play the sound from the finest ad of its kind I have ever seen, and then we'll talk about the hate filled reaction Casey's ad has triggered in some quarters. I guess if you're a hard core Democrat, partisan politics trumps everything else! How very sad.
As the National Football League revises its concussion protocol in the face of a growing number of head injuries, we'll welcome Dr. Ken Vehec, a noted expert on traumatic brain injuries. He's worked closely with the NFL Players Association and will give us his take on what needs to be done to keep football players at all levels as safe as possible from debilitating concussions.
Russia's threats of going nuclear in its war against Ukraine has led to an emergency meeting with President Biden and our G7 allies. Newsradio WFLA White House Correspondent Jon Decker joins us with the latest.
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill checks in with news of one giant leap for mankind.! Remember when NASA intentionally crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid awhile ago to see if it would change its orbit? Looks like the mission was quite literally a smashing success! Rory joins us with news that might one day save us from extinction!
So, what's the deal with this new COVID booster that's now available and is supposed to provide maximum protection against the newest variants to the coronavirus? Is it safe or not?
The FDA says it's safe, but Florida's Surgeon General Dr Joseph Ladapo says it's not. Our health and medical expert Dr. Ken Kronhaus joins us with his take on this growing controversy.