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We'll talk about the maddening and heartbreaking slow motion flooding disaster that continues to unfold in parts of Central Florida. I've been thinking about some of the things that
might need to change moving forward from Hurricane Ian. Among them:
Flood insurance. Should it become mandatory in a lot more places so we never see a repeat of the current situation, where so many homeowners have experienced catastrophic damage
from flooding, yet find their homeowners policies don't cover flood damage?
Riverfront and lakefront property. Should future development in these areas require that homes and businesses be set back farther than they have been to offer better protection against flood damage?
When Hurricane Ian struck there were dire predictions that looters would soon start invading storm damaged homes and businesses in Florida. There have been a few incidents, but widespread looting hasn't happened. Why is that? I think you can credit the law and order policies of the DeSantis administration and strong anti-looting warnings issued by the Governor and some sheriffs in hard hit areas. Would be looters have gotten the message they never would have received in one of those soft on crime blue states run by linguini-spined liberals! I'm glad I live in Florida, aren't you?!
Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Erin Real joins us live with the latest on the war in Ukraine, where the Russians are on the run and suffering one well-deserved defeat after another! Erin will also focus on President Biden's comments that Vladimir Putin's threats to use tactical nuclear weapons to try and turn the war in his favor have the world closer to nuclear war right now than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis 60 years ago! I seriously question that, and have a huge problem with how and where Biden made his "Armageddon" remarks. We'll talk about this with you after we hear from Erin.
In the wake of Hurricane Ian, I'll tell you why I think there are more reasons than ever to hit the brakes on the liberal "Go green" crowd's head long rush to get Americans to buy electric vehicles? For one thing, EV's submerged by Ian's storm surge have been catching fire as a result of their batteries corroding from the salt water! And, studies warn that in the future, if electric vehicles become the norm across Florida, it may be become impossible to evacuate millions of Floridians when a major hurricane requires it. I'll tell you what I've learned and we'll talk about it.
For the final hour of our show, we'll talk about whatever YOU want to talk about on Open Mind Monday! Be ready to call us at 407 916 5400, text us to 23680 or create your own commentary
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