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We'll open Friday's show by cracking open our "Biden Boys File" and talking about these two new entries:
The feds reportedly have enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden, but will they? Frankly, I doubt it, and I'll explain why.
President Joe Biden is going to issue pardons to anyone convicted of marijuana possession. Our question to you, is this the right call or the wrong call?
The Free-Fall ride at Orlando's Icon Park, where a teenager fell to his death earlier this year, is going to be torn down. This is what the victim's family
has been demanding, but I don't think it's what ought to be done. We'll debate whether tearing down the ride, which thousands had ridden safely, is
the right move or the wrong move. What do you think?
Thousands of illegal immigrants are streaming into Florida to help our state recovery from Hurricane Ian. I'll tell you who's sending them, and then we'll talk about what should be done with them. Should the illegals be welcomed with open arms? Should they be arrested and deported? Or would you prefer something in between?
We have some wild and crazy space news to spice up your Friday morning! How about this?
NASA is testing new "Spinlaunch" technology that can supposedly fling satellites into orbit without using any rockets or fuel ! I'll tell you how it works.
How would you feel about giant advertising logos appearing in the night sky? Believe it or not, this is the brainchild of the Russians, who say it can be done in spectacular fashion using multiple satellites to create any aerial message an advertiser wants to pay for. While I'm intrigued with the technology, I say let's leave the night sky to the Moon and the stars! What do you think?
A new study says just petting your dog can do amazing things for your brain and your mental health. Really?! I'm a dog lover, but can man's best friend actually do all that for us?
Let's talk about it!