

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Should our flags be lowered for the Queen?


We'll delve into the Budman's Believe It Or Not File and talk about the new inflation numbers that are so bad they triggered one of the biggest one day stock market plunges in history! This, as President Biden was leading a big celebration at the White House to mark one month since he signed the Democrats huge spending bill they call their Inflation Reduction Act! Didn't anyone on Biden's team realize the August Consumer Price Index figures would be coming out Tuesday and that the news might not be anything worth celebrating?! How tone deaf and disconnected from reality can they be? The reality is that the free spending policies of Biden and the Democrats are destroying the great economy President Trump and the Republicans gave us. Will they pay the price on election day? We'll know in 8 weeks, and we'll be talking about all this with you on Wednesday's edition of Good Morning Orlando!





We'll talk about a big triumph for Governor DeSantis and his tireless efforts to improve education in Florida. The Heritage Foundation has just rated Florida the #1 state

in the nation when it comes to K through 12 education! We'll have details as we reveal what's in the Heritage Foundation's Education Freedom Report Card.



Republican Senator Lindsay Graham is pitching a 15 week abortion ban bill he hopes will pass if the GOP wins control of Congress in the mid-term elections. Graham hopes GOP candidates will embrace his bill and run on it during the Fall campaign as a way to push back against some of the more extreme abortion bans some Republicans are supporting that have proved to be unpopular with a lot of voters, women in particular. Graham's bill is aligned with Florida's law banning abortions beyond the 15th week of pregnancy, but unlike the Florida law, Graham's bill provides for exceptions in cases of rape or incest. We'll debate whether this is the right way for Republicans to go....or not. I have mixed feelings about this as I'll explain during Wednesday's show.


As millions continue to mourn the death of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, flags in Florida and across the U.S. continue to fly at half staff in her honor. Initially I supported doing this, because I have always liked the Queen and have considered her to be a towering figure on the world stage and a positive role model. However, there are many who don't think we should be lowering the American flag for any foreign figure, and certainly not for the Queen of England when we fought a war to be free from British rule. So what about it? Should our flags be flying at half staff for the Queen...or not? Let's talk!

We'll welcome Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Erin Real who'll talk with us about the latest inflation numbers that caused stock prices to tumble and may

trigger another big hike in interest rates.

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