

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


Florida's teacher shortage


With the school year about to begin, a serious teacher shortage looms in most of Central Florida. So, how do we address this chronic problem and fix it? Is higher pay the answer? If so, how much and where would the money come from? Osceola County is reportedly so desperate to find more teachers it's taken to recruiting them from out of the country! And, Florida has a new law making it possible for military veterans to start teaching our kids without a teacher certification. We love our vets, but is this a good idea, and will it attract enough veterans to make a dent in Florida's teacher shortage? Be ready to tell us how you'd solve the teacher shortage by calling 407 916 5400, hitting the text line at 23680, or sounding off through our talkback feature on the iHeartradio app!



We'll open up our Looney Left File where we've found a couple of things we need to talk about:

* How about AOC for President in 2024? Believe it or not, a top Democrat strategist thinks young left wing bomb thrower, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez would be the perfect candidate to run against either Trump or DeSantis and that she could win! Really ?!


* While Nancy Pelosi globes trots her way around east Asia, her billionaire husband Paul Pelosi has just pleaded not guilty to driving drunk, even though his blood alcohol content shows he was dead drunk!

  Paul also tried to schmooze the cops who pulled him over, hoping maybe they'd give him a pass. Let's talk about this-what ought to be done with this guy, and whether his money and his political connections

  in liberal California might get him off the hook.


We're under 100 days to the 2022 midterm elections, and Democrats in the media are starting to pitch the notion that the big red wave that's been building may not materialize and give the Republicans control of

the House and the Senate. I think they're wrong and I'll tell you why the big red tsunami is still on the way...unless the GOP finds a way to blow it!



Looks like President Biden begging OPEC to pump more oil has paid off, at least to some degree. Newsradio WFLA National Correspondent Rory O'Neill will join us with the story, and what impact the additional

oil is likely to have on gas prices.


Governor DeSantis admits the number of cases of Monkeypox are on the rise in Florida, but he has no plans to declare a health emergency. Is this the right call or the wrong call? Let's talk!


Olsen on Law with Alan and Attorney Tom Olsen- today's topic: People are selling their homes for huge profits. Why they may not have to pay capital gains tax.

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