

Good Morning Orlando with Simon Conway, Alan Spector Full Bio


DeSantis turns down "The View"


With House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan, despite warnings and wild threats from Communist China, we'll give you updates on the situation in all three hours of our show. This will include a live report

at 7:52 from Newsradio WFLA White House Correspondent Jon Decker.




Well, this is interesting...verrrry interesting! Governor Ron DeSantis has been invited by the left wing wacko ladies from "The View" to be their guest on the popular ABC show. DeSantis not only declined the invitation, he ripped the show's stars from pillar to post in the process! My first reaction was "Way to go, Ron!" But then I started thinking DeSantis should have gone on "The View" to confront Whoopi Goldberg and her fellow liberal hosts, defended his strong record as Florida Governor, and let them and the millions of Americans who watch the show see what conservative principles and great conservative leadership are all about!  So, here's the question we'll debate: was DeSantis turning down "The View" the right call or the wrong call? Let us know what you think by calling 407 916 5400, hit the text line at 23680, or use our talkback feature on the iHeartradio app !



Plans are in the works to repurpose the failing Oviedo Mall by replacing the abandoned Macy's store with a 400 unit apartment building that will be attached to the rest of the mall. There are other malls in Central Florida that have fallen on hard times and could be revitalized by taking the same approach. So, what about it? Would you consider living at the mall nearest you? My wife and I have talked about the apartments being planned for the Oviedo Mall, and if they put in a grocery store, a bunch of nice restaurants and kept the movie theatre, we could definitely see ourselves making the move! Living at the mall, with all our needs met in air conditioned comfort sounds appealing to us....how about you? Let's talk!


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